7 Reasons Why Pregnant Moms Should Eat Raspberries

7 Reasons Why Pregnant Moms Should Eat Raspberries

Raspberries are good for you, we all know that. There are oodles of health benefits that come along with snacking on the little red fruits, but do you know exactly what these benefits are? For most of us, when we’ve heard for years that fruits and veggies are healthy, we just eat them no question....

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Camping with Baby Reading 7 Reasons Why Pregnant Moms Should Eat Raspberries 3 minutes Next 10 Reasons Why Mom Deserves The Best

Raspberries are good for you, we all know that. There are oodles of health benefits that come along with snacking on the little red fruits, but do you know exactly what these benefits are? For most of us, when we’ve heard for years that fruits and veggies are healthy, we just eat them no question. After we learn we’re pregnant however, that unconscious grocery shopping and snacking experience changes. This is because there’s a tiny, precious thing inside that we’re charged with nurturing to term. We are now suddenly aware of the impact that food has on our bodies.

So, why eat raspberries when you’re expecting?

Let’s all agree that raspberries are delicious. You can put them on cereal or yogurt in the mornings, pair them with nuts or granola for an afternoon snack, and don’t forget they make great dessert tarts that are sure to satisfy those late night cravings!

But they’re so much more than that! Here are 7 reasons why you should eat raspberries while you’re pregnant.

  1. Let’s start with folate, or folic acid. Raspberries are chock-full of this vitamin that can help prevent birth defects.
  2. The berry also contains dietary fiber which promotes good digestion and can help you maintain a healthy weight throughout your pregnancy.
  3. Raspberries are high in antioxidants which boosts your immune system. The last thing you want while your growing a new mini is a cold or the flu.
  4. Another thing to keep in mind is that raspberries contain ellagic acid, which can help protect you against various cancers.
  5. Inside the red raspberry, there are things called flavonoids that break down into other things called anthocyanins. These have antimicrobial properties that help fight vaginal infections.
  6. The iron content in raspberries increase hemoglobin in your body which helps prevent anemia and reduces pregnancy fatigue.
  7. It’s also been said that red raspberry leaf tea regulates uterine contractions which can facilitate labor.


The points in this blog are not intended to be followed as treatment or a cure for any disease or medical condition. Please consult your medical practitioner before drinking herbal teas to induce labor.

Raspberries are awesome! But before you dive in, wash them thoroughly first. You don’t want to accidentally ingest a parasite or harmful bacteria that could be dangerous for both you and your baby.

While enjoying your clean and preferably organic raspberries, scroll through our collection of super soft, all-natural bamboo baby clothes, sleep bags and blankets!

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