Home Tips for the Green Parent

Home Tips for the Green Parent

Green is in. Today, parents are down with sustainability, a thing to strive for in every aspect of family life. Eco-friendly features are sought after by parents who know that every step we take towards a greener planet will benefit our child’s future. BUT, having kids brings with it a perpetual scatter brain brought on...

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Green is in. Today, parents are down with sustainability, a thing to strive for in every aspect of family life. Eco-friendly features are sought after by parents who know that every step we take towards a greener planet will benefit our child’s future.

BUT, having kids brings with it a perpetual scatter brain brought on by a lack of sleep and an overwhelming need for some personal space. This means our first thought when buying products or running the household might not be, “Is this environmentally safe?”


In the Kitchen…

You’d like to say you recycle; you might even have one of those blue bins from the city sitting in the corner of your garage. We know you have the best intentions and you’ve been meaning to use it. Let’s consider a different method. Something you can do today is implement a kid friendly recycling station in your kitchen. This will make sorting materials easy and maybe even fun! Use the system to teach your child the fundamentals for a renewable lifestyle. If you’re feeling ambitious, you could also try your hand at homemade baby food.

image of recycling  center 

In the Laundry Room…

Is it chocolate pudding or poop? That’s a question asked by every parent at some point or another regarding the suspicious smear on an otherwise clean onesie. You take a whiff and determine the ordinance before tossing the soiled garment into the wash. Regardless of what eco-friendly detergent you conscientiously purchased with the intention of saving the planet, make sure to fill the basket completely and turn that temp dial to cold. This will optimize your water usage in the laundry room.

image of laundry room


In the Bathroom…

There are a ton of green options to consider if you happen to be remodeling your bathroom, but most of us have what we have. In that case, consider green products the next time you notice your stock of toilet bowl cleaner is low. Eco-friendly diaper options can give you a chance to decrease your baby’s carbon footprint. Use soft and gentle Kyte Baby bamboo washcloths instead of cotton at bath time. Bamboo requires much less time and water to grow, making it a highly sustainable resource.

image of grass washcloth

It’s a wonderful thing teaching your children to respect the environment. Each eco-friendly technique you decide to carry out in your family’s home will show them that green initiatives matter and truly make a difference.

Written By Dani Haberly

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