Camping with Baby

Camping with Baby

Camping this time of year is very popular among nature lovers like us. Roasting marshmallows and sleeping under the stars, what’s not to love? So, your family has grown and you’ve got a new mini. Congrats! The great outdoors, what a wonderful place to take your baby for an adventure! Your life at home with...

The post Camping with Baby appeared first on Kyte BABY.

Camping this time of year is very popular among nature lovers like us. Roasting marshmallows and sleeping under the stars, what’s not to love? So, your family has grown and you’ve got a new mini. Congrats! The great outdoors, what a wonderful place to take your baby for an adventure! Your life at home with a new little one is hectic enough, so it may feel unimaginable to go camping with a baby.

Here at Kyte BABY, we love nature! Camping is right up our alley, and we’re here to tell you that camping as a family with a baby is totally possible! To enjoy your camping trip to the fullest, keep these tips in mind the next time you saddle up and head out into the wild.


First, you should know that what you pack for your trip is incredibly important. If you’re confident that what you packed will ensure the family is prepared for anything, the journey will likely be smooth and stress free. You may already have an expansive list of general camping aids you’ve taken out before. This is the time to add baby and their effects to that list. Think about what your mini needs on a typical at-home weekend and pack double! Running out of diapers in the middle of the woods is not how you want your first camping trip with babe to go (don’t forget the swim diapers!).

So how do you dress your baby for a camping trip? We believe in the power of breathable layers. Our soft bamboo material was made for an adventure like this! Make sure to pack a bunch of our comfy onesies, rompers or footies. Weather is fickle, and you can plan ahead but you don’t want your baby to find themselves uncomfortable. Plus, camping is dirty and you’ll need plenty of clean and dry options for babe to change into.

If you’re an avid camper, you probably know that temperatures like to drop in the middle of the night when you’re virtually exposed in a tent. Make sure you have a few Kyte BABY sleep bags in-tow. Zip your mini into one of our cozy sleep bags, and they’ll be warm throughout the night. We also carry knotted caps made from the same incredibly soft bamboo that will keep their ears hidden from the elements.



The van is packed, babe is in the car seat and you’re ready to hit the road. This is very exciting, we give you props because that first step is the hardest part. Now, assuming you have already scoped out a great location nearby (we suggest that you stay close to home on this first go-round) to set up camp, it’s time to start your journey.

First thing you need to do is designate a safe spot for the baby to be while you unpack and pitch the tent. If you can pull the van right up to your campsite, you might want to leave your little asleep in the car seat until the site is ready for tot discovery. If they are awake and eager to get out of the car, whip out your pack-and-play and cover babe with a mosquito net of sorts for protection from various hazards.

Next thing we recommend should be on your agenda is a chat with your neighbors. Most of the time at campsites, you’re not alone. There are other families set up close by, within earshot. The friendly move is to go introduce yourself and let them know that you have brought your new baby here for their first camping trip. Kindly remind them that babies cry, and that you will respect the peace and quiet of the woods by removing the screaming child from the area if necessary (going for a drive away from the campsite with a fussy baby might be a good idea).

Now it’s time to explore. Strap your mini to your chest (or your back if they can hold their head up) with a wrap or a carrier and go for a walk. Take in the beauty of nature, safely. Watch your step and take it slow, the danger here is a fall. Hiking with your little is such a wonderful activity! Before you hit the trail, you must plan your hikes, map out your exits, bring the right gear and know your baby’s limits.



Remember that this is an adventure. Things go wrong, stuff happens. The best way to avoid feeling overwhelmed is to be well prepared and go with the flow. A plan is just a guideline; sticking to a strict schedule with a baby is unlikely. Be ready to switch gears at any time. This is supposed to be fun, and your baby can pick up on your stress level, so relax and enjoy the ride. The goal here is a happy baby, so bring their favorite Kyte BABY blanket or a cherished stuffed animal with you to ground them. A sense of familiarity can keep them calm and more enjoyable.

Teaching your child about the wonders of nature is paramount. When they grow up camping, an appreciation for wildlife and greenery will be embedded in their lifestyle. They will understand the purity of the wild, and the sense of freedom that can be achieved with spending time outside away from the concrete, screen-obsessed city life.


Now you know what to pack and how to go about camping with you mini. Don’t have a stock of Kyte BABY bamboo garments, sleep bags and blankets to take on your trip? Take a look at our super soft, eco-friendly collection!

 Written by Dani Haberly

The post Camping with Baby appeared first on Kyte BABY.

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