Ready to make friends, swap tips and sleep better?
Kyte Club is our free Facebook community for all parents and caregivers.
Join Kyte Club, our official Facebook group, where you’ll have early access to drops and sales, the opportunity to participate in exclusive giveaways, and the inside scoop on all things Kyte-related. With a tight-knit community of over 100,000 parents and caregivers cheering each other on, Kyte Club is a safe space of support and encouragement. Welcome to your village.
Our Kyte Community
Kyte Club FAQs
Join our VIP Facebook group here and be sure to answer all the questions when requesting to join! Once your request is accepted, check the group at 9:30am CDT on 7/12. We will post a password that allows you to access our website and shop our semi-annual sale 30 minutes before it opens to the public.
Kyte Club members are able to participate in 2-3 exclusive giveaways each month! Be sure to check the featured section to check if one is already running!
- 30 minutes early access to our clearance sale
- Exclusive giveaways
- Sneak peeks + insider info
- Community of like-minded parents and caregivers
- In-person meet up events
In Kyte Club, we have specific posting days. On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, we only approve Kyte-related content. Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday are free posting days where you may post about anything, as long as it adheres to the group rules.