Finlee, a child with Treacher Collins Syndrome, and her sister

Birth Defect Awareness: Our Stories

   If there’s one thing that can be universally agreed upon, it’s that every baby deserves a happy, healthy, and full life. When parents dream of their unborn child’s future, they don’t expect a lo...
The Importance of Sleep During Pregnancy & Postpartum (and how to get more of it!)

The Importance of Sleep During Pregnancy & Postpartum (and how to get more of it!)

We all need sleep is a necessary part of life-- even more so when you're pregnant or postpartum. But sometimes that is easier said than done.  It's common to experience sleep disturbances during b...
mom cuddling toddler

How to Help Your Toddler Adjust to a New Sibling

     Welcoming a new baby is always a joyous occasion, but when it’s your second, things can be more complicated than they were with the first. Not only is navigating sleep deprivation with a high...
mom holding a wooden rattle above babys face

10 Fine Motor Activities for Your Baby

     As adults, it’s easy for us to take small, everyday actions, such as picking up a tissue from the floor or using a spoon, for granted. But performing these actions takes special learned skills...
Does Kyte Baby Donate Anywhere?

Does Kyte Baby Donate Anywhere?

     ‘Tis the season for giving, and it’s, without a doubt, our favorite part about the holidays. As the year draws to a close, we take this time for reflection and look for ways to give back to ou...
Newborn Sleep Tips: Getting Through the First Few Months

Newborn Sleep Tips: Getting Through the First Few Months

Newborn sleep is like the wild west! And for good reason– they don’t have an established circadian rhythm yet. They’ve spent 9 months in total darkness and when they’re born, they have an underdev...
10 Winter Essentials for Newborns

10 Winter Essentials for Newborns

     Depending on where you live, winter can be one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. As the air grows cooler, the last months can bring delightful things like fresh snowfall, steaming hot...
baby wearing crimson kyte baby pajamas with a pinecone garland in the background

Holiday Gift Guide for the Family

     It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and for good reason. For children, the magic of the holidays is unparalleled. Christmas lights add colorful warmth to the night, the scent of cinnamon...
Transitioning from 2 naps to 1 nap: When and How to Make it a Smooth Transition

Transitioning from 2 naps to 1 nap: When and How to Make it a Smooth Transition

The 2-1 nap transition can feel really intimidating because you’re typically moving from wake times that are around 3.5 hours on average to 5 hours on average. That’s a big jump for a little one. ...